TV Shows - Sebastián Zurita
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on July 26, 2024. Sebastián Zurita has appeared in 2 television series with data.
Movies - Sebastián Zurita
Sorted by online popularity. Sebastián Zurita has appeared in 0 movies with data.
    History of daily visits to Sebastián Zurita's Wikipedia page
    Sebastián Zurita Biography
    Sebastián Zurita is a Mexican actor known for his work in movies and TV shows. Born on November 22, 1986, in Mexico City, Mexico, Zurita comes from a family of actors. He made his acting debut in 1998 in the TV series 'Tres veces Sofía'. Since then, he has appeared in various successful projects including 'Ángel Rebelde', 'Siempre tuya Acapulco', and 'Un gancho al corazón'. Zurita has also showcased his talent in movies such as 'El cielo en tu mirada' and 'No sé si cortarme las venas o dejármelas largas'. With his versatile performances, Zurita has established himself as a prominent figure in the entertainment industry.

    On July 26, 2024, Sebastián Zurita had 109 Wikipedia visits, making him the #18,032 most popular actor online.