TV Shows - Shaun Evans
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on July 26, 2024. Shaun Evans has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • Vigil Poster
    as Elliot Glover 6 episodes • #820 most popular show
    Vigil is a British police procedural drama series that intertwines the mystery of a missing fishing trawler with the stark environment of a submarine. The plot centers around DCI Amy Silva, who investigates a death aboard HMS Vigil, leading her into a complex web of naval and espionage intrigue.
Movies - Shaun Evans
Sorted by online popularity. Shaun Evans has appeared in 3 movies with data.
  • Cashback Poster
    as Sean Higgins • #2,651 most popular movie
    Cashback is a 2006 British romantic comedy-drama film about an art student named Ben who, after a breakup, takes a job at a supermarket to fill his extra time and meets interesting colleagues. His insomnia fuels his vivid imagination, leading him to fantasize about stopping time to appreciate the beauty around him.
  • Being Julia Poster
    Being Julia
    as Tom Fennel • #5,791 most popular movie
    Being Julia is a 2004 comedy-drama film directed by István Szabó, starring Annette Bening and Jeremy Irons. The screenplay is based on the novel 'Theatre' (1937) by W. Somerset Maugham, and the original score was composed by Mychael Danna.
  • Princess Kaiulani Poster
    Princess Kaiulani
    as Clive Davies • #6,656 most popular movie
    Princess Kaiulani (also known as Barbarian Princess) is a 2009 British-American biographical drama film depicting the life of Princess Kaiulani (1875–1899) of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi. The movie follows her journey from being sent to England for protection and education by her father to her return to Hawaii as a political activist striving to preserve her people's independence from American businessmen. This historical drama portrays her determination to maintain her royal throne despite the personal sacrifices she must endure.
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