Movies like Breast Men (1997)
If you're looking for some great movies that are a lot like Breast Men, here is our list of similar films:
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    1. The Wolf of Wall Street

    #173 most popular movie yesterday

    The unapologetic tale of financial excess, greed, and the pursuit of success in 'The Wolf of Wall Street' resonates with the same rise-and-fall story arc of 'Breast Men'. Viewers will find a compelling narrative of ambition gone awry.

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    2. The Social Network

    #263 most popular movie yesterday

    Although it tackles the tech industry rather than plastic surgery, 'The Social Network' provides a similar look at the rise of a revolutionary business and its young, ambitious founders, paralleling the themes of ambition and ethical dilemmas found in 'Breast Men'.

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    3. Catch Me If You Can

    #389 most popular movie yesterday

    This film's depiction of a charming con artist’s rise and eventual fall from grace in a chase by the authorities bears a thematic resemblance to 'Breast Men,' with its central characters' journey through the fast lane of success.

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    4. Boogie Nights

    #401 most popular movie yesterday

    Set in the 1970s and 80s porn industry, 'Boogie Nights' presents a character-driven ensemble drama that shares the themes of fame, ambition, and the consequences of success that are evident in 'Breast Men'. Fans of the latter may enjoy the depth and drama of this industry exploration.

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    5. Thank You for Smoking

    #2,392 most popular movie yesterday

    Much like 'Breast Men', 'Thank You for Smoking' is a satirical look at a controversial industry through the eyes of a spokesman who must navigate a world of moral ambiguity. Both movies provide viewers with humor-laden insights into industries few people see from the inside.

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    6. Wonder Boys

    #2,722 most popular movie yesterday

    Though focusing more on personal and creative struggle than industry, 'Wonder Boys' shares the comedic and poignant elements present in 'Breast Men', highlighting the troubled lives of people seeking success and meaning.

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    7. The People vs. Larry Flynt

    #2,913 most popular movie yesterday

    This biographical drama, like Breast Men, offers an unflinching look at the adult industry and its impacts on American culture. Fans of the exploration of controversial business ventures in 'Breast Men' will appreciate the film's candid approach to Larry Flynt and his empire.

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    8. Middle Men

    #5,949 most popular movie yesterday

    Those who are intrigued by the entrepreneurial and slightly sleazy world of 'Breast Men' might find 'Middle Men' riveting as it follows the pioneers of online commerce in the porn industry—detailing the rise of the business and its darker elements.