What is All of Us Are Dead (TV) About?
All of Us Are Dead is a thrilling South Korean television series that is based on the popular webtoon Now at Our School. Set in a high school setting, the show takes a unique twist on the zombie genre. The story revolves around a group of ordinary high school students who suddenly find themselves trapped in their school during a zombie outbreak. As the students fight for survival, tensions rise and secrets are revealed, creating a gripping and suspenseful atmosphere. With its talented cast and compelling storyline, All of Us Are Dead offers an exciting and intense viewing experience for fans of both thrillers and the zombie genre. The series explores themes of friendship, love, and the lengths one would go to protect their loved ones in the face of danger. Each episode unfolds with unexpected twists and turns, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. With its well-crafted characters and well-paced narrative, All of Us Are Dead delivers a thrilling and entertaining television experience.
The first episode of All of Us Are Dead aired on January 28, 2022 and the most recent episode to air was on January 28, 2022.