What is Boardwalk Empire (TV) About?
Set in the heart of Prohibition-era Atlantic City, Boardwalk Empire is a remarkable HBO television series that masterfully explores the life of the city's Treasurer, Enoch 'Nucky' Thompson. The series represents the volatile intersection of politics and organized crime during his reign. Based on Nelson Johnson's nonfiction book 'Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City', it tells an intriguing tale of crime, politics, and life during the Prohibition period, innovatively bringing the historical era to life. Nucky's dichotomy of being a politician and crime lord forms the core of this narrative. Alongside, the series features historical characters such as Al Capone and Lucky Luciano, thereby providing a perspective on their lives and roles in the crime world. Evocatively styled and narratively compelling, Boardwalk Empire creates a rich tapestry of the times, making it a viewer's delight.
The first episode of Boardwalk Empire aired on September 19, 2010 and the most recent episode to air was on October 26, 2014.