What is Domino Day (TV) About?
Domino Day is a British fantasy drama television series, created by Lauren Sequeira and produced by Dancing Ledge Productions for BBC Three. The series centers on a young witch, Domino Day, played by Siena Kelly, who possesses exceptional powers that she is only beginning to understand. As Domino seeks a sense of community and belonging to help manage her abilities, she becomes the focus of a coven of witches. These witches monitor her closely, believing that they must prevent her from unleashing her powers, which they fear could cause catastrophic damage. The cast also includes Percelle Ascott, Babirye Bukilwa, and Poppy Lee Friar, among others. The show blends elements of mystery, suspense and the supernatural, examining themes of identity, destiny, and the struggle between good and evil.
The first episode of Domino Day aired on January 31, 2024 and the most recent episode to air was on February 28, 2024.