What is Hacks (TV) About?
Hacks is a captivating television series that follows the unique journey of Deborah Vance, a legendary Las Vegas comedian. With a career spanning decades, Deborah finds herself at a crossroads when her residency at a renowned casino is threatened. Enter Ava, a talented but struggling comedy writer who is reluctantly hired as Deborah's new assistant. Through their hilarious and often tumultuous interactions, the show explores the improbable bond that develops between these two women from different generations. Hacks delves into the complexities of the entertainment industry, tackling themes of aging, ambition, and the ever-evolving nature of comedy. With its sharp and witty writing, nuanced characters, and brilliant performances, Hacks offers an insightful and entertaining exploration of the power of laughter and human connection.
The first episode of Hacks aired on May 13, 2021 and the most recent episode to air was on May 30, 2024.