What is King of the Hill (TV) About?
King of the Hill is an Emmy award-winning animated sitcom that aired from 1997 to 2010. The show revolves around the Hill family, led by propane salesman Hank Hill. Set in the fictitious town of Arlen, Texas, the series offers a fresh, tongue-in-cheek take on the American suburban landscape. Through its dry humor and satirical storytelling, King of the Hill explores a variety of contemporary issues, including family dynamics, social class, and cultural clashes. The show's unique blend of relatable characters and insightful commentary make it a standout in the animated sitcom genre. With Mike Judge serving as co-creator and executive producer, the series offers a hilarious yet compassionate take on middle-class life in America. The show's multi-dimensional characters, from Hank's goofy neighbor Dale to his quirky son Bobby, add depth to the narrative and provide audiences with plenty of laughter along the way. With its clever writing, memorable catchphrases, and endearing characters, King of the Hill has become a beloved staple of American television.
The first episode of King of the Hill aired on January 12, 1997 and the most recent episode to air was on September 13, 2009.