What is Los Espookys (TV) About?
Los Espookys is an American television show that ventures into the comedy genre with a distinctive spin, characterized by its Spanish language dialogue and unconventional narrative. The series portrays a quirky group of friends, each with a deep affection for horror, who embark on an entrepreneurial journey in an unnamed Latin American country. Together, they establish a business that specializes in designing and staging elaborate horror setups, thus catering to a niche clientele seeking the thrill of horror in their lives. As the show progresses, the friends navigate through various challenges and missions, each episode unfolding new and imaginative scenarios that blend the fantastical with the everyday. Cast with an ensemble of talented actors, the series delights in exploring the peculiarities of its characters' endeavors in the horror business, all while enrapturing viewers with its dreamlike and sometimes absurd humor. 'Los Espookys' stands out for its original storytelling, combining both culture-specific elements and universally relatable themes.
The first episode of Los Espookys aired on June 14, 2019 and the most recent episode to air was on October 21, 2022.