What is Louie (TV) About?
Louie is a unique television series that masterfully combines elements from the sitcom, drama, and stand-up comedy genres. The show depicts the life of its creator, Louis C.K., who both stars in the show and handles the bulk of its creative duties. Louie is portrayed as a semi-fictional character, a stand-up comedian and divorced father of two living in New York City. Drawing heavily from Louis C.K.'s real life, the series often shows him performing his stand-up routine on stage. Between these performances, the series depicts a range of short, often surreal sequences and situations that revolve around Louie's everyday life, his interactions with his daughters, his experiences with dating, and his observations about the absurdity of life. The show has been applauded for its innovative format, its dark, candid humor, and Louis C.K.'s performance and creative input.
The first episode of Louie aired on June 29, 2010 and the most recent episode to air was on May 28, 2015.