What is Neo Yokio (TV) About?
Neo Yokio is a distinctive animated series brought to life in a futuristic metropolis known as Neo Yokio. The show delves into the experiences of a young aristocratic demon slayer named Kaz Kaan, whose responsibilities include safeguarding the city from supernatural malevolence. However, Kaz grapples with the challenging task of balancing his duty to protect Neo Yokio against his personal tribulations and complicated relationships. Drawing inspiration from a blend of anime aesthetics and Western humor, Neo Yokio presents a thought-provoking and satirical exploration of social elitism and rampant consumerism within a vibrant and fantastical world enriched with otherworldly creatures and opulent high society events. With its witty dialogue and visually striking animation, Neo Yokio captivates viewers by immersing them in a unique amalgamation of various cultural influences, ultimately painting a captivating portrait of a society on the precipice of change.
The first episode of Neo Yokio aired on September 22, 2017 and the most recent episode to air was on September 22, 2017.