What is Party of Five (TV) About?
Party of Five is a contemporary reboot of the 1994 television series with a focus on current socio-political issues. The show, launched on Freeform, revolves around the Acosta children whose lives are upended when their parents are deported back to Mexico. The siblings, left to manage on their own, face the challenges of maintaining their family business and caring for the youngest among them. Through its narrative, Party of Five delves into the hardships faced by mixed-status families and the impact of immigration policies on young lives. The series is noted for its ensemble cast including Brandon Larracuente, Emily Tosta, Niko Guardado, and Elle Paris Legaspi as the Acosta children, each bringing to life the unique struggles and strengths of their character. As the family grapples with their new reality, they experience growth, discover self-reliance, and the meaning of kinship in adversity. Although the show met the end of its run after one season, Party of Five stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of family and has been acknowledged for shedding light on important societal issues through a deeply personal and human story.
The first episode of Party of Five aired on January 08, 2020 and the most recent episode to air was on March 04, 2020.