What is Rebus (TV) About?
Rebus is a Scottish crime drama streaming television series that revitalizes the iconic character of John Rebus, originally penned by Sir Ian Rankin. Starring Richard Rankin as the younger incarnation of the seasoned Detective Sergeant, the show is set against the backdrop of Edinburgh’s distinctive landscape. The narrative arc of the series is woven around Rebus's complex involvement in a violent criminal underworld, which takes a personal turn as his brother, Michael, a former soldier, is drawn into criminal activities. This collision of family loyalty and professional duty provides a rich, character-driven exploration of Rebus’s world. The series, consisting of six episodes, is crafted by Gregory Burke with direction by Niall MacCormick and Fiona Walton. Through its intense storytelling, vivid character portrayals, and gripping conflicts, Rebus offers a fresh perspective on crime, justice, and personal redemption in modern-day Scotland.
The first episode of Rebus aired on May 17, 2024 and the most recent episode to air was on June 21, 2024.