What is Rick and Morty: The Anime (TV) About?
Rick and Morty: The Anime is a distinctive animated series that combines the traditional science fiction elements of its original Western counterpart with the aesthetics and storytelling techniques of Japanese anime. Developed by Takashi Sano and produced by renowned studios such as Studio Deen, Sola Entertainment, and Telecom Animation Film, this version introduces a novel depiction of the Smith family's dynamics and adventures. The series revolves around Rick Sanchez, a mad scientist and skilled samurai, who is joined by his impressionable grandson Morty and adventurous granddaughter Summer. Together, they face surreal and dangerous scenarios that challenge the bounds of reality across various universes. With its unique artistic direction, the series presents familiar characters in a new light while maintaining the humor and complexity that fans appreciate. Rick and Morty: The Anime offers both longtime viewers and newcomers an engaging blend of cultural elements, paired with intriguing narratives that expand the Rick and Morty universe.
The first episode of Rick and Morty: The Anime aired on August 16, 2024 and the most recent episode to air was on August 23, 2024.