What is Terminator Zero (TV) About?
Terminator Zero, a captivating addition to the Terminator franchise, is a science-fiction anime series that explores a fresh narrative within the established universe. The series is set in the 1990s in Japan and revolves around Malcolm Lee, an AI scientist working on technology that rivals Skynet. As the critical year of 1997 approaches — the year of Judgment Day — Lee and his three children become the targets of a ruthless cyborg assassin sent from the future. In a twist of fate, a soldier also from the future arrives, tasked with protecting Lee and ensuring his survival. Produced by Production I.G and Skydance Television, and directed by Masashi Kudō, the series promises high-stakes action, intricate storytelling, and a deep exploration of themes related to AI and human survival. The animation, enriched by its setting in 1990s Japan, provides a unique aesthetic that blends the traditional with the futuristic, making Terminator Zero a distinctive and thrilling expansion of the Terminator saga.
The first episode of Terminator Zero aired on August 29, 2024 and the most recent episode to air was on August 29, 2024.