What is The Gathering (TV) About?
The Gathering is a British mystery thriller television series that premiered on Channel 4, revolving around the poignant aftermath of a violent attack on a teenager named Jessica during an illegal beach rave. The series, set in Merseyside, delves into the ensuing investigation as suspicion casts a shadow over a diverse group of people connected to the event. As the series unfolds, it exposes a web of secrets, lies, and the complex interactions among Jessica’s family and friends, including her pushy mother Natalie and her peers who were present at the rave. The investigation in this six-part series brings to the forefront issues surrounding the influences of parental behavior on teenagers, societal expectations, and the pervasive nature of hidden truths in a close-knit community. Directed by Gareth Bryn and Amanda Blue, and produced by Graham Drover with Helen Walsh making her television writing debut, The Gathering offers a gripping exploration of human relationships and the darker undercurrents of societal norms.
The first episode of The Gathering aired on May 14, 2024 and the most recent episode to air was on May 29, 2024.