What is Time Bandits (TV) About?
Time Bandits is a fantasy adventure television series developed by Jemaine Clement, Iain Morris, and Taika Waititi, inspired by the 1981 film directed by Terry Gilliam. The storyline centers on Kevin, an eleven-year-old boy with a keen interest in history who finds himself part of a peculiar group of time-traveling thieves. The series blends comedy with adventure as Kevin and the diverse group navigate through tumultuous escapades across various eras of history. Featuring a cast that includes Lisa Kudrow, Kal-El Tuck, and Taika Waititi, Time Bandits explores themes of friendship, bravery, and the quirks of different historical periods, all while presenting an engaging narrative filled with unpredictable twists and turns.
The first episode of Time Bandits aired on July 23, 2024 and the most recent episode to air was on July 23, 2024.