What is Tires (TV) About?
Tires, an American comedy television series, follows the trials of Will, who inherits his family's faltering auto-repair business, Valley Forge Tires. Portrayed by Steve Gerben, Will ambitiously attempts to reshape the shop's fortunes, confronting an array of challenges primarily instigated by his cousin Shane, played by Shane Gillis. This character consistently sabotages Will, adding to the workplace chaos. The series features interactions with a distinctive cast of employees and customers, including Cal, Kilah, and Dave, all of whom contribute variously to both the dysfunction and the comedy of the business environment. Premiered on Netflix, this series captures the comedic essence of working family dynamics and the struggle to uphold a legacy amidst uproarious and unexpected setbacks.
The first episode of Tires aired on May 23, 2024 and the most recent episode to air was on May 23, 2024.