What Would You Do? poster image
What Would You Do? poster image

What Would You Do?

(TV) Last aired 9 months ago Premiered February 2008 11 seasons 100 episodes
Updated Tuesday January 14, 2025
IMDb rating 7.1/10
What Would You Do? (TV)
What Would You Do? Stats
Tuesday January 14, 2025What Would You Do? ranked as the #1854 most popular show online and was the #93 most popular TV show on ABC. The current engagement score for What Would You Do? is 0.14. The Television Stats algorithm evaluates online audience activity and engagement across various platforms, including search, website traffic, and social media. These values are calculated each morning, taking into account the entire activity from the previous day.
What Would You Do? (TV)
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What Would You Do? (TV)
What Would You Do? Overview
Ranks compared to all other TV shows on January 13, 2025