What is WondLa (TV) About?
WondLa is an animated television series rooted in the sci-fi fantasy genre, based on Tony DiTerlizzi’s trilogy of books. The story centers around Eva Nine, a teenager raised by a robotic caretaker in a high-tech bunker, who is thrust into the surface world of Orbona following an attack. Orbona is a planet teeming with alien life and mysterious landscapes, devoid of human presence. Alongside her companions, Otto, a giant tardigrade, and Rovender, Eva embarks on a perilous journey across this new world. Throughout their adventures, they encounter various alien species and face numerous challenges, all while Eva grapples with the profound question of her own existence and the fate of humanity. Produced by Skydance Animation and set to debut on Apple TV+, WondLa combines imaginative storytelling with a visually captivating style, exploring themes of identity, belonging, and the meaning of human life in a universe filled with the unknown.
The first episode of WondLa aired on June 27, 2024 and the most recent episode to air was on June 27, 2024.