TV Shows - Fred J. Scollay
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on September 20, 2024. Fred J. Scollay has appeared in 2 television series with data.
  • Law & Order Poster
    Law & Order
    as Judge Warren Pursley 2 episodes • #244 most popular show
    Law & Order is a critically acclaimed crime drama television series that follows the lives of dedicated police officers and prosecutors as they navigate the complex world of criminal justice in New York City. The show is known for its gripping storytelling, intricate plotlines, and realistic portrayal of the legal system. With a combination of police investigations and courtroom drama, Law & Order has captivated audiences for over two decades.
  • Law & Order Poster
    Law & Order
    as Andrew Barsky 6 episodes • #244 most popular show
    Law & Order is a critically acclaimed crime drama television series that follows the lives of dedicated police officers and prosecutors as they navigate the complex world of criminal justice in New York City. The show is known for its gripping storytelling, intricate plotlines, and realistic portrayal of the legal system. With a combination of police investigations and courtroom drama, Law & Order has captivated audiences for over two decades.
Movies - Fred J. Scollay
Sorted by online popularity. Fred J. Scollay has appeared in 1 movies with data.
History of daily visits to Fred J. Scollay's Wikipedia page
Fred J. Scollay Biography
Fred J. Scollay (March 19, 1923 – November 3, 2015) was an American character actor known for his work in daytime and primetime television, as well as film and stage. Born in Roxbury, Massachusetts, he was one of four orphaned Scollays and was raised by Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy of Boston. Scollay studied acting at Emerson College and Bishop-Lee Dramatic School. During World War II, he served in the United States Navy as an aviator machinist mate. In daytime TV, he played Rev. Sam Shafer on The Doctors and Harry Wilson (aka Ike Harding) on Somerset. Scollay also had roles on Another World, Young Doctor Malone, The Edge of Night, Search for Tomorrow, Love Is a Many Splendored Thing, and The Guiding Light.

On September 20, 2024, Fred J. Scollay had 5 Wikipedia visits, making him the #31,299 most popular actor online.