TV Shows - Gary Anthony Stennette
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on July 01, 2024. Gary Anthony Stennette has appeared in 4 television series with data.
  • Black Mirror Poster
    Black Mirror
    as Mazey's 1st AD 1 episode • #255 most popular show
    Black Mirror is a British dystopian science fiction anthology series developed by Charlie Brooker. Each standalone episode delves into the uneasy relationship between society and technology, often setting its narratives in near-future scenarios. The series examines the consequences of advanced technological innovations on human behavior and societal structures.
  • Elite Poster
    as American Teacher 2 episodes • #664 most popular show
    Elite is a Spanish thriller television series that follows the lives of three working-class teens who are given scholarships to an exclusive private school. As they navigate the challenges of fitting in with their wealthy peers, tensions rise and secrets are revealed, leading to a shocking murder. With a captivating storyline and a talented ensemble cast, Elite explores themes of class divide, love, friendship, and betrayal, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats with its gripping plot twists and suspenseful storytelling.
  • Mrs. Davis Poster
    Mrs. Davis
    as Stunned Executive 1 episode • #1,129 most popular show
    ‘Mrs. Davis’ is an American science fiction series blending comedic and dramatic elements. It revolves around Sister Simone, and her mission to dismantle a dominant artificial intelligence known as Mrs. Davis. The show portrays her journey alongside her ex-boyfriend, as they face challenges on a global scale in their quest against the AI.’
  • Hanna Poster
    as Ultrax Man 1 episode • #1,202 most popular show
    Hanna is an thrilling action drama series that follows the journey of a young girl with extraordinary abilities. Raised in seclusion by her father, Hanna's life takes a drastic turn when she becomes the target of a mysterious intelligence agency. Through heart-pounding suspense and intense action, Hanna must navigate a treacherous world while unlocking the secrets of her past. The series combines captivating storytelling with a compelling exploration of identity and self-discovery.
Movies - Gary Anthony Stennette
Sorted by online popularity. Gary Anthony Stennette has appeared in 1 movies with data.
  • Guy Ritchie's The Covenant Poster
    Guy Ritchie's The Covenant
    as Desk Sergeant • #191 most popular movie
    The Covenant is a supernatural thriller directed by Guy Ritchie. The film follows the tale of four young men, descendants of powerful witches, who possess magical abilities. Set in a prestigious boarding school in Massachusetts, the story takes a thrilling turn when the group discovers a fifth member harboring dark secrets. As their ancient covenant is threatened, they must confront their inner demons and protect their brotherhood from a malevolent force. With intense action sequences, suspenseful twists, and an intricate plot, The Covenant is a gripping cinematic experience that explores themes of power, loyalty, and destiny.