Jeepers Creepers 2 continues the chilling tale of The Creeper, a menacing creature that resurfaces every 23 years to feed. The film, directed by Victor Salva, follows a stranded high school basketball team and their encounter with this fiend. With plights both frightening and personal, the cast brings to life a story of survival and horror. The most popular cast member today is Ray Wise, Jack Taggart, Sr..
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 12, 2024
Jeepers Creepers 2 is a 2003 American horror film directed by Victor Salva, serving as a sequel to the 2001 movie. The storyline follows a group of high school students whose bus breaks down in a remote area, leading them to face off against the demonic Creeper, known for its relentless pursuit of victims. As the students realize the creature's selective nature in choosing its targets, they must band together to survive its relentless attacks.