The cast of Mortal Kombat: Annihilation includes Robin Shou as Liu Kang, Talisa Soto as Kitana, James Remar as Raiden, Sandra Hess as Sonya Blade, Lynn 'Red' Williams as Jax, Brian Thompson as Shao Kahn, Reiner Schöne as Shinnok, Musetta Vander as Sindel, Irina Pantaeva as Jade, Deron McBee as Motaro, Marjean Holden as Sheeva, and Litefoot as Nightwolf. The most popular cast member today is Robin Shou, Liu Kang.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 11, 2024
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation is a 1997 American martial arts fantasy film that follows a group of warriors trying to prevent the evil warlord Shao Kahn from conquering Earth within a tight time frame.