Plane is an action thriller film that features a talented cast of actors and actresses. The movie showcases the gripping performances of its cast, including Gerard Butler, Mike Colter, Tony Goldwyn, Yoson An, Evan Dane Taylor, Paul Ben-Victor, Daniella Pineda, and Lilly Krug. Each actor brings their unique skills and presence to their respective characters, making for a thrilling and engaging movie experience. The most popular cast member today is Gerard Butler, Brodie Torrance.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 08, 2024
Plane is an action-packed adventure film that follows the journey of a courageous pilot as he attempts to prove himself in the competitive world of aviation. With stunning visuals and exhilarating aerial sequences, the movie takes viewers on a thrilling ride through the skies. Packed with heart-pounding moments and unexpected twists, Plane is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.