The cast of The Littlest Horse Thieves includes Alastair Sim as Lord Harrogate, Peter Barkworth as Richard Sandman, Maurice Colbourne as Luke Armstrong, Susan Tebbs as Violet Armstrong, Andrew Harrison as Dave Sadler, Chloe Franks as Alice Sandman, Benjie Bolgar as Tommy Sadler, Prunella Scales as Mrs. Sandman, Leslie Sands as Foreman Sam Carter, Joe Gladwin as Bert, and Jeremy Bulloch as Ginger. The most popular cast member today is Alastair Sim, Lord Harrogate.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 11, 2024
The Littlest Horse Thieves is a 1976 family drama film about three children who plot to steal pit ponies from a Yorkshire coal mine to save them from being slaughtered during the transition to machinery.