What is 1899 (TV) About?
1899 is an enthralling drama series that delves into the lives of European immigrants in the late 19th century as they traverse the treacherous waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Set against a backdrop of economic inequality, cultural clashes, and political upheaval, the show follows a diverse group of individuals seeking a new beginning in America. Together, they face arduous challenges aboard a transatlantic ship, including harsh living conditions, language barriers, and discriminatory treatment. As tensions rise and interpersonal relationships unfold, 1899 immerses viewers in an immersive narrative that explores themes of hope, courage, and the pursuit of the American dream. With its meticulous attention to detail, intricate character development, and engrossing storytelling, this series offers a captivating portrayal of the struggles and triumphs experienced by immigrants during this significant era in history.
The first episode of 1899 aired on November 17, 2022 and the most recent episode to air was on November 17, 2022.