What is Naked Attraction (TV) About?
Naked Attraction pushes the boundaries of traditional dating shows by stripping away superficial judgments. Hosted by the charismatic Anna Richardson, each episode features two singletons eager to find their perfect match. However, the twist is that they have to base their decision solely on the naked bodies of potential suitors. Presented with six contestants, the singletons are shown intimate body parts one at a time, leading them to make choices purely based on physical attraction. After the selection is made, the participants get dressed and embark on a unique date to test their chemistry when their clothes are back on. The aim of the show is to challenge common stereotypes and explore the idea that true compatibility can transcend physical appearance. With its bold approach and thought-provoking concept, Naked Attraction provides viewers with an engaging exploration of human attraction and the complexities of modern dating.
The first episode of Naked Attraction aired on July 25, 2016 and the most recent episode to air was on March 27, 2024.