What is The Marked Heart (TV) About?
The Marked Heart (Pálpito) is a Colombian thriller drama series that delves into the harrowing realm of illegal organ trafficking. The story follows Simón, a man consumed by the need to avenge his wife's murder orchestrated by a criminal syndicate to obtain her heart. The recipient of this heart is Camila, a woman married to a wealthy individual, who is initially unaware of her heart's illicit provenance. As the narrative unfolds, Camila begins to question the circumstances surrounding her transplant, while Simón descends into the criminal underworld to seek justice. Their lives intersect in a complicated mesh of emotions and revelations, culminating in an unexpected bond as Simón falls for Camila, who is kept alive by his wife's stolen organ. Amidst their personal turmoil, they navigate a treacherous path of discovery and deceit, striving to expose the truth behind the organ trafficking racket that has irrevocably changed their lives. The Marked Heart presents a gripping exploration of loss, revenge, and the moral quandaries faced by those caught in the tragic trade of human organs.
The first episode of The Marked Heart aired on April 20, 2022 and the most recent episode to air was on April 19, 2023.