What is Unforgotten (TV) About?
Unforgotten is a critically acclaimed British crime drama television series created by Chris Lang. The show centers around the investigative work of DCI Cassie Stuart, played by Nicola Walker, and DI Sunny Khan, played by Sanjeev Bhaskar. Together, they tackle cold cases that have remained unsolved for years, delving into the intricacies of crimes from the past. What sets Unforgotten apart is its emphasis on the human aspect of the cases. The show explores the profound consequences and lasting impacts of the crimes on both the victims and their families, as well as the haunting effects on the lives of the suspects. Through meticulous detective work and meticulous attention to detail, Cassie and Sunny strive to uncover the truth, bringing justice to those who have been denied it for so long. Unforgotten combines captivating storytelling with strong character development, drawing viewers into a web of secrets, lies, and hidden connections. Each episode reveals new layers of complexity and delivers surprising twists, keeping audiences engaged and enthralled. With its thought-provoking exploration of morality, guilt, and redemption, Unforgotten is a gripping and emotionally charged drama that leaves a lasting impact.
The first episode of Unforgotten aired on October 08, 2015 and the most recent episode to air was on April 03, 2023.