TV Shows - Ron Faber
Sorted by online popularity, based on the Engagement Score on July 01, 2024. Ron Faber has appeared in 1 television series with data.
  • Law & Order Poster
    Law & Order
    as Pepitone 1 episode • #237 most popular show
    Law & Order is a critically acclaimed crime drama television series that follows the lives of dedicated police officers and prosecutors as they navigate the complex world of criminal justice in New York City. The show is known for its gripping storytelling, intricate plotlines, and realistic portrayal of the legal system. With a combination of police investigations and courtroom drama, Law & Order has captivated audiences for over two decades.
Movies - Ron Faber
Sorted by online popularity. Ron Faber has appeared in 4 movies with data.
History of daily visits to Ron Faber's Wikipedia page
Ron Faber Biography
Ron Faber (February 16, 1933 – March 26, 2023) was an American actor known for his roles in various films and off-Broadway productions. Throughout his career, he appeared in movies such as The Exorcist, Navy SEALs, The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover, and Soup for One. Faber also showcased his talent on the stage, starring in off-Broadway productions including And They Put Handcuffs on Flowers, Stonewall Jackson's House, and Troilus and Cressida. Tragically, he passed away in New York on March 26, 2023, at the age of 90 due to lung cancer.

On July 01, 2024, Ron Faber had 24 Wikipedia visits, making him the #26,577 most popular actor online.