Movies like Britannia Hospital (1982)
If you're looking for some great movies that are a lot like Britannia Hospital, here is our list of similar films:
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    1. A Clockwork Orange

    #59 most popular movie yesterday

    Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange provides a stark exploration of violence, behavioral conditioning, and the nature of free will. Its satirical approach to discussing societal issues makes it appealing for those who enjoy the social critique found in Britannia Hospital.

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    2. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

    #377 most popular movie yesterday

    This satirical black comedy about the Cold War and nuclear conflict was also directed by Stanley Kubrick. Its razor-sharp wit and socio-political commentary are in a vein similar to that of Britannia Hospital, resonating with audiences who appreciate incisive satire.

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    3. Network

    #755 most popular movie yesterday

    Sidney Lumet's Network is a razor-edged satire about the television industry and its effects on society, culture, and politics. Those who enjoy Britannia Hospital's critical take on institutions would find Network's biting commentary on media equally compelling.

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    4. Brazil

    #777 most popular movie yesterday

    Directed by Terry Gilliam, Brazil is a darkly comedic dystopian film that presents a satirical view of a bureaucratic and oppressive future. Fans of Britannia Hospital's satire and its social commentary on institutional decay will appreciate Brazil's surreal and absurd take on government and society.

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    5. M*A*S*H

    #1,716 most popular movie yesterday

    Robert Altman's M*A*S*H is a satirical black comedy set in a mobile army surgical hospital during the Korean War. Like Britannia Hospital, it offers a critique of both the military and medical establishments, all under a veneer of humor and irreverence.

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    6. The Player

    #2,489 most popular movie yesterday

    Another satirical masterpiece by Robert Altman, The Player turns a critical eye on the Hollywood film industry. Fans of the satirical elements in Britannia Hospital will enjoy The Player's clever dialogue and commentary on the art and business of filmmaking.