1. The Simpsons
#8 most popular show yesterdayThis iconic animated series follows the Simpsons family in the town of Springfield. With its blend of humor, cultural references, and a touch of heart, viewers who appreciate the family-centric and comedic aspects of Central Park will likely enjoy The Simpsons.
8 shows like The Simpsons...2. Bob's Burgers
#42 most popular show yesterdayCreated by Loren Bouchard, the same mind behind Central Park, this animated series revolves around the Belcher family and their hamburger restaurant. Fans of the musical elements and character dynamics in Central Park will find a similar charm and humor sprinkled throughout Bob's Burgers.
8 shows like Bob's Burgers...3. American Dad!
#74 most popular show yesterdayAlso by Seth MacFarlane, American Dad! focuses on the Smith family and their alien housemate. The show offers a blend of political satire and quirky humor which might resonate with audiences who enjoy the offbeat comedy of Central Park.
8 shows like American Dad!...4. Family Guy
#91 most popular show yesterdayKnown for its irreverent humor and cutaway gags, Family Guy follows the Griffin family in the fictional city of Quahog. While more adult-oriented, fans of animated family comedies like Central Park may enjoy the similar format and character archetypes.
8 shows like Family Guy...5. King of the Hill
#385 most popular show yesterdayFrom Mike Judge, this animated series depicts the Hill family in Texas. It provides a more down-to-earth perspective on family life and has a subtler humor style, which might appeal to those who enjoy the storytelling approach of Central Park.
6 shows like King of the Hill...6. Archer
#450 most popular show yesterdayWhile Archer is less family-oriented and more adult-themed, its wit and unique animation style make it an interesting watch for those who are fans of the urban settings and sharp dialogue in Central Park.
7 shows like Archer...7. The Great North
#596 most popular show yesterdayThis animated sitcom from some of the talent behind Bob's Burgers features the Tobin family in Alaska. Like Central Park, it portrays familial bonds and character-driven stories, making it a solid choice for fans looking for more heartfelt animated comedy.
8 shows like The Great North...8. F is for Family
#1,287 most popular show yesterdayA more adult-themed animated show set in the 1970s, F is for Family, created by Bill Burr, mixes comedy with more serious topics, offering a nostalgic take on family dynamics for viewers who appreciate the characterization and humor in Central Park.
8 shows like F is for Family...
Shows similar to Central Park
If you're a fan of Central Park and are looking for a similar series, here's our curated list of the best related TV shows, sorted by online popularity.
Popularity data updated on January 20, 2025
Shows like Central Park
Looking for shows that are like Central Park? Take a look at these great shows sorted by online popularity today.