Nanny McPhee features a talented cast that brings the whimsical characters to life. Emma Thompson portrays Nanny McPhee, with Colin Firth as Mr. Brown, Kelly Macdonald as Evangeline, Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Simon, Eliza Bennett as Tora, Jennifer Rae Daykin as Lily, Raphaël Coleman as Eric, and Samuel Honywood as Sebastian. The most popular cast member today is Emma Thompson, Nanny McPhee.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 18, 2024
Nanny McPhee is a 2005 comedy drama fantasy film about a widower who hires a mysterious nanny with mystical powers to discipline his seven unruly children. The story revolves around the family's efforts to come together and overcome the threat of being separated by their great-aunt and benefactor.