Phantom Thread is a 2017 American historical drama film starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Vicky Krieps, and Lesley Manville. The film follows Reynolds Woodcock, a renowned dressmaker in 1950s London, and his relationship with a young waitress named Alma Elson. It was directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. The most popular cast member today is Daniel Day-Lewis, Reynolds Woodcock.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 20, 2024
Phantom Thread is a captivating American historical drama film set in 1950s London. Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, it stars Daniel Day-Lewis, Vicky Krieps, and Lesley Manville. Day-Lewis portrays Reynolds Woodcock, an esteemed dressmaker who finds inspiration in Alma, a strong-willed young woman. The film showcases the complex relationship that develops between them. With its stunning cinematography and exquisite costume design, Phantom Thread immerses the audience in the world of haute couture. This critically acclaimed film received praise for its performances, screenplay, direction, and musical score.