Rachel Getting Married features a talented ensemble cast bringing the characters to life. Anne Hathaway portrays Kym Buchman, Rosemarie DeWitt as Rachel Buchman, Bill Irwin as Paul Buchman, Debra Winger as Abby Buchman, Tunde Adebimpe as Sidney Williams, Mather Zickel as Kieran, Anna Deavere Smith as Carol, and Anisa George as Emma. The most popular cast member today is Anne Hathaway, Kym Buchman.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 07, 2024
Rachel Getting Married is a 2008 American drama film directed by Jonathan Demme, starring Anne Hathaway, Rosemarie DeWitt, Bill Irwin, and Debra Winger. Kym Buchman, a woman with a history of substance abuse, is released from rehab to attend her sister's wedding. Her struggles to reintegrate with her family and the challenges of maintaining and proving her sobriety form the core of the narrative.