Ad Astra is a science fiction film featuring an ensemble cast. The main characters include Roy McBride, played by Brad Pitt, H. Clifford McBride, portrayed by Tommy Lee Jones, Helen Lantos, played by Ruth Negga, Lieutenant General Rivas, portrayed by John Ortiz, Eve, played by Liv Tyler, Thomas Pruitt, portrayed by Donald Sutherland, Chip Garnes, played by Greg Bryk, and Donald Stanford, portrayed by Loren Dean. The most popular cast member today is Brad Pitt, Roy McBride.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 11, 2024
Ad Astra is a science fiction thriller film directed by James Gray. The story follows astronaut Roy McBride as he embarks on a mission to the outer edges of the solar system to find his missing father and unravel a mystery that threatens the survival of humanity. With stunning visuals and a thought-provoking narrative, the film explores themes of isolation, human connection, and the search for meaning in the vastness of space. Featuring a captivating performance by Brad Pitt, Ad Astra is a visually stunning and introspective journey into the depths of space.