Horton Hears a Who! features a cast of talented voice actors who bring the characters to life in this animated film. The movie follows Horton, the Mayor, Kangaroo, Vlad, Morton, Councilman Yummo Wickersham, Dr. Mary Lou Larue, Tommy, Sally O'Malley, Mrs. Quilligan, Narrator, and Rudy on an adventure. The most popular cast member today is Jim Carrey, Horton (voice).
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 12, 2024
Horton Hears a Who! is a 2008 American animated adventure comedy film based on the classic book by Dr. Seuss. The film features an imaginative elephant named Horton who discovers a tiny speck of dust floating in the air, suspected to contain life. Despite facing skepticism, Horton embarks on a mission to save the minuscule particle.