The Way Way Back features a talented ensemble cast bringing the characters to life. The movie stars Liam James as Duncan, Steve Carell as Trent Ramsey, Toni Collette as Pam, AnnaSophia Robb as Susanna Thompson, Sam Rockwell as Owen, Allison Janney as Betty Thompson, Maya Rudolph as Caitlyn, and Amanda Peet as Joan. The most popular cast member today is Liam James, Duncan.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 12, 2024
The Way, Way Back is a 2013 American coming-of-age comedy-drama film directed by Nat Faxon and Jim Rash. It follows 14-year-old Duncan, who struggles to fit in while on summer vacation with his mother, her boyfriend, and his daughter. He forms an unlikely friendship with Owen, the manager of a local water park.