Burlesque features a talented cast bringing the characters to life. Cher stars as Tess, Christina Aguilera as Alice 'Ali' Rose, Eric Dane as Marcus Gerber, Cam Gigandet as Jack Miller, Julianne Hough as Georgia, Alan Cumming as Alexis, Peter Gallagher as Vince Scali, and Kristen Bell as Nikki. The most popular cast member today is Cher, Tess.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 20, 2024
Burlesque is a 2010 American backstage musical film starring Cher and Christina Aguilera. The story follows Ali, an aspiring singer who moves to Los Angeles and becomes a dancer at a struggling burlesque lounge, owned by Tess. After impressing Tess with her singing, Ali becomes the main attraction of the lounge.