Falling is a movie that features a talented cast of actors and actresses. The main characters include Willis, portrayed by Lance Henriksen, John, portrayed by Viggo Mortensen, Eric, portrayed by Terry Chen, Willis (23 - 43 Yrs), portrayed by Sverrir Gudnason, Gwen, portrayed by Hannah Gross, Sarah (45 Yrs), portrayed by Laura Linney, Sarah (4 - 6 Yrs), portrayed by Carina Battrick, and Sarah (11 Yrs), portrayed by Ava Kozelj. Read on to learn more about the cast and their respective characters. The most popular cast member today is Lance Henriksen, Willis (75 Yrs).
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 20, 2024
Falling is a gripping drama film that explores the complex dynamics within a family. The movie delves into the relationship between a father and his adult son, examining themes of love, forgiveness, and acceptance. As the story unfolds, it reveals the challenges faced by both characters and the emotional journey they embark on. With compelling performances and a thought-provoking narrative, Falling offers a profound exploration of family dynamics and the impact of unresolved conflicts. Fans of character-driven dramas will find themselves deeply moved by this powerful film.