The cast of Psycho III includes Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates, Diana Scarwid as Maureen Coyle, Jeff Fahey as Duane Duke, Roberta Maxwell as Tracy Venable, Hugh Gillin as Sheriff John Hunt, Lee Garlington as Myrna, Robert Alan Browne as Ralph Statler, Gary Bayer as Father Brian, Patience Cleveland as Sister Margaret, Juliette Cummins as Red, Steve Guevara as Deputy Leo, and Katt Shea as Patsy. The most popular cast member today is Anthony Perkins, Norman Bates.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 09, 2024
Psycho III is a 1986 slasher film and the third installment in the Psycho franchise, featuring Anthony Perkins reprising his iconic role as Norman Bates, who also directs the film. The plot follows Norman as his solitude is disrupted by the arrival of a troubled nun and a reporter investigating a mysterious disappearance.