The Back-Up Plan features a talented cast bringing the characters to life. Jennifer Lopez stars as Zoe, alongside Alex O'Loughlin as Stan, Michaela Watkins as Mona, Eric Christian Olsen as Clive, Anthony Anderson as Playground Dad, Noureen DeWulf as Daphne, Melissa McCarthy as Carol, and Tom Bosley as Arthur. The most popular cast member today is Jennifer Lopez, Zoe.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 18, 2024
The Back-up Plan is a 2010 American romantic comedy film directed by Alan Poul and starring Jennifer Lopez and Alex O'Loughlin. The storyline revolves around Zoe, who, disillusioned with the search for a perfect partner, opts to become a single mother through artificial insemination. However, fate intervenes when she meets Stan on the same day, leading to a conflict between her newfound love and her plans for motherhood.