Annie follows the story of a young orphan living in New York City who is taken in by a wealthy businessman. The cast of the movie includes Quvenzhané Wallis as Annie Bennett, Jamie Foxx as William 'Will' Stacks, Rose Byrne as Grace Farell, Cameron Diaz as Miss Colleen Hannigan, Bobby Cannavale as Guy, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Nash, David Zayas as Lou, Amanda Troya as Pepper, Zoe Colletti as Tessie, Nicolette Pierini as Mia, Eden Duncan-Smith as Isabella, and Dorian Missick as Annie's 'Dad'. The most popular cast member today is Quvenzhané Wallis, Annie Bennett.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 08, 2024
Annie is a 2014 musical comedy-drama film directed by Will Gluck, based on the Broadway musical of the same name. It tells the story of a young orphan named Annie, living in New York City and taken in by a wealthy mayoral candidate, leading to unexpected changes in both of their lives.