Meet the talented cast of Pay It Forward. Kevin Spacey plays the role of Eugene Simonet, Helen Hunt portrays Arlene McKinney, Angie Dickinson brings Grace to life, Haley Joel Osment takes on the character of Trevor McKinney, Jay Mohr plays Chris Chandler, Jim Caviezel embodies Jerry, Jon Bon Jovi portrays Ricky McKinney, and David Ramsey brings Sidney Parker to the screen. The most popular cast member today is Kevin Spacey, Eugene Simonet.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 08, 2024
Pay It Forward is a 2000 American romantic drama film directed by Mimi Leder. It is based loosely on the novel of the same name by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Set in Las Vegas, the film chronicles 12-year-old Trevor McKinney's launch of a goodwill movement known as "pay it forward". It stars Haley Joel Osment, Helen Hunt, and Kevin Spacey.