Dolittle is a movie featuring an ensemble cast including Robert Downey Jr., Antonio Banderas, Michael Sheen, Jim Broadbent, Jessie Buckley, Harry Collett, Emma Thompson, and Rami Malek. The film follows the adventures of Dr. John Dolittle, played by Robert Downey Jr., as he embarks on a journey to save a dying queen. The most popular cast member today is Robert Downey Jr., Dr. John Dolittle.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 06, 2024
Dolittle is a fantasy adventure film that follows the story of Dr. John Dolittle, a renowned veterinarian with the ability to communicate with animals. When Queen Victoria falls ill, Dolittle embarks on a journey to a mythical island in search of a cure, accompanied by a young apprentice and a crew of diverse animal companions. Directed by Stephen Gaghan, this film is a whimsical and heartwarming tale filled with humor, thrilling escapades, and incredible visual effects.