Hustlers is a movie featuring a talented ensemble cast. The main characters include Destiny played by Constance Wu, Ramona Vega played by Jennifer Lopez, Elizabeth played by Julia Stiles, Mercedes played by Keke Palmer, Annabelle played by Lili Reinhart, Mother played by Mercedes Ruehl, Diamond played by Cardi B, and Liz played by Lizzo. The most popular cast member today is Constance Wu, Destiny.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 07, 2024
Hustlers is a crime drama film released in 2019. The movie is based on a true story and follows a group of strippers who devise a plan to scam their wealthy Wall Street clients. Directed by Lorene Scafaria, the film stars Jennifer Lopez, Constance Wu, and Cardi B. Hustlers explores themes of greed, power dynamics, and female empowerment. With its gripping storyline and standout performances, the movie captivates audiences by delving into the world of strippers and the lengths they go to in order to survive and take control of their own destinies.