Just Mercy is a legal drama film based on the true story of Bryan Stevenson, a young lawyer who fights for justice and the wrongfully convicted. The movie features a talented cast including Michael B. Jordan, Brie Larson, Jamie Foxx, O'Shea Jackson Jr., Rafe Spall, Rob Morgan, Tim Blake Nelson, and Rhoda Griffis. The most popular cast member today is Michael B. Jordan, Bryan Stevenson.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 12, 2024
Just Mercy is a powerful and thought-provoking legal drama based on a true story. The film explores themes of justice, racism, and inequality in the criminal justice system. It follows the journey of young lawyer Bryan Stevenson as he fights to overturn the wrongful conviction of Walter McMillian, an African-American man sentenced to death for a crime he didn't commit. Just Mercy sheds light on the flaws in the system and the courage it takes to challenge them.