Meet the cast of Kick-Ass 2, including Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloë Grace Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and more. Discover the actors and actresses who brought the characters to life. The most popular cast member today is Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Dave Lizewski / Kick-Ass.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 13, 2024
Kick-Ass 2 is a 2013 superhero film and a sequel to 2010's Kick-Ass. It features Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Dave Lizewski / Kick-Ass, who joins a vigilante team, and Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy Macready / Hit Girl, as she attempts to live a normal life. The film also sees Christopher Mintz-Plasse as Chris D'Amico taking up the mantle of The Motherfucker to take revenge on Kick-Ass.