Toy Story 4 is a popular animated film featuring a talented cast of voice actors. Tom Hanks voices the beloved character Woody, Tim Allen lends his voice to the iconic Buzz Lightyear, Annie Potts brings life to the lovable Bo Peep, Tony Hale voices the quirky Forky, Keegan-Michael Key gives voice to the hilarious Ducky, Madeleine McGraw portrays Bonnie, Christina Hendricks brings depth to the character Gabby Gabby, and Jordan Peele adds comedic flair to the character Bunny. The most popular cast member today is Tom Hanks, Woody (voice).
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 20, 2024
Toy Story 4 is a popular animated film that continues the beloved Toy Story franchise. Released in 2019, the movie follows Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and their toy friends on another adventure. This time, they find themselves in a new home, where they meet new toys and face unexpected challenges. Toy Story 4 is known for its heartwarming story, stunning animation, and endearing characters. It explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the importance of embracing change. With its clever humor and emotional moments, Toy Story 4 appeals to both children and adults alike.